Pilgrim Prayers

A Prayer for Pilgrims

Our Father in heaven, we thank you for
the life and witness of Saint David.

We thank you for his constant faith and
trust in Jesus your Son, for his simple
life of obedience and his rejection of
the materialism of the world.

We thank you for his zeal in telling others
of Your love and grace, for his tireless
work in extending Your kingdom; and his
seeking to make this nation of Wales
a Christian nation.

We thank you for this place of worship
and pilgrimage on the site where
David spent much of his life.

As we have come here today,
send Your Holy Spirit:

to renew and revive our faith and
trust in Your Son who died for us;

to give us strength to live obedient
lives, serving the Jesus who rose again

to be our Lord and Saviour;

that just as David went out to proclaim
the Good News of Christ in his day,
so we, in all that we say and do,
may continue to make Christ known
in the World today.

Blessing at the beginning of a journey

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always on your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
the rain falls soft upon your fields and,
until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

The Guardian Angel

My dearest Lord,
Be thou a bright flame before me,
Be thou a guiding star above me,
Be thou a smooth path below me,
Be thou a kindly shepherd behind me,
Today, tonight, and for ever more.

A Prayer of St. Columba

The Candle

The candle is a sign of our prayers and the offering
of our lives in the service of Christ.
The candle is a sign of our prayers for others,
that they too might be strengthened
in their faith and love of our Lord;

The candle is a sign and symbol of all those who,
through the ages, have shone as
lights in the darkness of the world,
and of their prayers for us;

The candle is a sign and as a witness that this is
a place of prayer; a place
where people have knelt in worship
throughout the centuries to acknowledge that
the Child of Mary is also the Son of God.

"God, Our Father, source of eternal life,
fill the hearts of all believers
with the light of faith.


Prayer used in Sandringham Church

Lighting a candle is a prayer:

When we have gone, it stays alight,
kindling in the hearts and minds
of others the prayers we have
already offered for them
and for others, for the sad,
the sick, and the suffering -
and prayers of thankfulness too.

Lighting a candle is a parable:

burning itself out,
it gives light to others.
Christ gave himself for others.
He calls us to give ourselves.

Lighting a candle is a symbol:

of love and hope,
of light and warmth.
Our world needs them all.

Prayer used in Salisbury Cathedral